Two New Books and Photography Feature by Chris Klopf
Jun 06 2019We are very pleased to present two new books and a photography feature by Chris Klopf. Born and raised in Mill Valley, he has been exploring, surfing, and shooting this coast (then just about everywhere else) since the 60's. Chris Klopf's library of images is vast, and it makes filling two incredible books seem like an easy task.
Shooting The Decades is a selection of images from way back in the 20th century, when surfers made their own boards, weren't too sure about leashes, and traveled freely and secretly in a world that wasn't exposed. You can check it out here.
Alternate Visions features images of modern surfers riding both experimental and new derivations of reto-inspired equipment. A crowded world looks freer and easier. Go get some, it's still out there. Find this book here.